Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Keith Olberman gives heartfelt comment on California's ban on marriage

I haven't written any thing since my last post, been busy with school. It was a sad blow when the voters sided with fear and misinformation. Many are doing protests and marches, with thoughts of civil disobedience. The California organizations who ran the campaign - No on 8, Equality California, National Center for Lesbian Rights - are prepping for a court battle to dismiss the ballot decision, on the basis that it was based on misinformation and lies, as well as inappropriately altering the court's decision making power concerning its ability to protect minority rights.

I've been jotting down ideas in a notebook for days, but I was happy to hear this from Keith Olberman yesterday:

Special comment.

My girlfriend and I watched it while she was on speaker phone, and I was joyful to share that moment with my love as well. Watch it to see why.

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