Sunday, August 24, 2008

I'm heading to Denver! my mind

The TV will be my window, as it will for most of us. But I'll be checking out various blogs as the week goes forward, and give you whatever tidbits I can given that school starts tomorrow for me.

What blogs? Here are some:

DailyKos - the famous liberal blog

Pam's House Blend - authored by Pam Spauling, who is an African-American lesbian who discusses issues of race, gay rights, and some liberal stuff

RHReality Check - where I have segment of fame as Harry 834. These guys discuss all things reproductive freedom: abortion, sex education, and pregnant woman's human rights here and abroad.

Media Matters - which I haven't looked at in awhile, but is still awesome. They monitor the conservative bias in news.

Feel free to suggest any others, even if they are not decidedly liberal.

Here's to a great Denver convention! And before our journey starts, might I suggest this taste of Denver's history...

a world never forgotten

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